Get to know us
PHD started back in 2023 but never took off the ground. We had the vision of creating a place for content creators, gamers, and game makers to all come together. Why? Because we all need people. Some small game studios can have a hard time getting people to play there game or have a hard time advertising the game, we can help with that. Content creators such as YouTubers and Streamers can have a very hard time getting views and chat, we know this and we understand this. But how can we fix this? We build a community, a supportive community with the tools needed to help make greatness not seem so far away. But where do gamers come in? Well they are our gold in a silver mind, I mean think about it. Why watches YouTube Gaming videos? Gamers. Why plays the games made by game studios and small developers? Gamers. It comes full circle, PHD is here to make that circle seem a lot less blurred. So let me welcome you to our lovely Project, we can't wait to see your potential!

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Our team
Our strength lies in our individuality. We might have different ranks and roles, but in the end we know teamwork is key.

Ahren Havok
Founder / CEO

Council Member

Council Member / Server Designer

Council Member / Server Manager

Council Member

Council Member / Server Manager